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Blame the Weather Not Your Landscaper


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2021 was a tough year for maintaining plants.

Weather extremes generally lead to poor root growth, which in turn decrease your plants defenses to drought tolerance. Saturated soils, record heat, then the lack of summer rain left plants vulnerable to unscheduled weed, insect, and disease activity.

You need to adjust your maintenance schedule according to weather conditions. Freezing weather typically kills off some harmful insects, whereas in a mild winter, insects are free to multiply into the winter months. Milder winters will also allow diseased leaves still remaining under the tree to overwinter into the spring infected the tree again. Preventative controls are much more effective when you have healthy lawns and plants. Send in your email address on the right sidebar for our weather alerts, and we will periodically recommend a weather based plan for our area. In other words, weather is unpredictable. So, don't necessarily blame your landscaper.

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