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October Planting Ideas 


We want to help you take care of your plants!

October is the best month to rework your gardens.


October is the time to divide and transplant perennials into other areas of your garden.

Plant spring flowering bulbs now. They need the winter cold to force them to flower in the spring.

Dig up your non-hardy bulbs and tuberous roots like Gladiolus, Dahlias, and Canna for storage in the basement.




Empty clay pots and store them inside. They will crack if left outside over the winter.

If fall is dry continue watering your newly planted trees and shrubs until Thanksgiving.

October is the best time to transplant most ornamental trees and shrubs.

Plant Kale for color into January.

Create movement in your garden. Add ornamental grasses to sway in the wind and enjoy the look throughout the winter.

Add plants for their colorful fruit value, such as Cotoneaster or Winterberry Holly.

Fall flowering Perennials could be divided in the spring as well.

Pumpkins add brightness and color to your landscape in October. Consider adding more cut flowers and fruits in window boxes and planters.

Cultivate in compost to your rocky or poorly draining planting beds for better planting results next season.


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