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« GLC Organic Options | Main | Design Idea: City Wildflower Gardens »

Problem Solved: Erosion Control 


GLC can stabilize this unsightly slope with creative ideasDo you see exposed roots and rocks, leaning trees or fence posts, washed away soil or mulch, or if you see channels running down your slope, something should be done to control and direct the water flow.



Ways to Control Erosion

1) Terrace the incline-Simple regrading work may be all you need.

2) Add more plant material-A plants fiberous root system can be used to help control an eroding incline. Plant shrubs like Red Twig Dogwood, or ground covers like English Ivy, cotoneaster, or low growing Blue Rug Junipers. Bamboo or ornamental grasses can also be an agressive alternative.

3) Build a Rock Garden-Stratically placed rocks on an incline can create a simulated or real water feature to your landscape. The rocks can also act as a diversion channeling the water away from eroding areas.

4) Add a Rip-Rap Wall-Flat fieldstone puzzled together on an incline will help to hold the soil in place. Rock garden type Perennials planted in between can soften the look of the stone as well.

5) Add Erosion Control Products- At GLC we supply a variety of products that will suit you needs.

6) Bio-degradable Jute Mats-Pinned down it will hold the incline from eroding for 4-5 years while      the plant roots are allowed to establish.

7) Synthetic Mats-Will provide a permanent solution but not enviromently friendly. Used mostly for a large area inclines with no plant material.

8) Turf Reinforcement Mats-Used to establish Turfgrass. This three-dimensional mat holds the seed and soil, helps seed germination, and meshes with new plant roots.

9) Large Gravel-Will help hold the incline in place.

10) Straw- Can be a simple option or help as a way to establish your lawn

Temporary erosion control options will hold the soil in place long enough to establish plants with an extensive root system. Once established these plants will provide long-term control and stability.

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